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Here are some of our scientific contributions.

  • Evaluating the solute transport model MT3DMS for heat transport simulation of closed shallow geothermal systems

    This work demonstrated the applicability of MT3DMS for heat transport of ground source heat pump systems in a confined aquifer.
    >> Read full publication:  Ground Water 48(5), 741–756.

  • Propagation of Seasonal Temperature Signals into an Aquifer upon Bank Infiltration

    A numerical modeling study was presented to inspect the propagation of seasonal temperature signals from an infiltrating river into an adjacent aquifer.
    >> Read full publication:  Ground Water 48(5), 741–756.

  • Evaluating the influence of thermal dispersion on temperature plumes from geothermal systems using analytical solutions

    An analytical study was carried out to examine the effect of thermal dispersion on the simulation of temperature plumes in aquifers that evolve from vertical ground source heat pump systems.
    >> Read full publication:  Int. J. Therm. Sci. 50(7), 1223–1231.

  • Thermal Use of Shallow Groundwater

    The thermal use of shallow subsurface is increasingly promoted and implemented as one of many environmentally friendly technologies. Theoretical background of heat transport in the subsurface is introduced and the essential thermal properties are discussed. A series of analytical and numerical tools based on the heat transport equation are also presented. Case studies are introduced for illustration.
    >> Read full publication:  CRC Press. Boca Raton, Florida. ISBN: 978‑1‑4665‑6019‑2

  • A moving finite line source model to simulate borehole heat exchangers with groundwater advection

    A new analytical model was presented for the thermal analysis of ground source heat pumps considering background groundwater flow and axial effects.
    >> Read full publication:  Int. J. Therm. Sci. 50(12), 2506–2513.

  • Potential Use of Multimodels in Consulting to Improve Model Acceptance and Decision Making

    Multimodels will improve hydrogeologic modeling in consulting but further awareness is required before they are widely adopted. Groundwater Volume 55, Issue 5
    >> Read full publication:  Potential Use of Multimodels in Consulting to Improve Model Acceptance and Decision Making 10.1111/gwat.12559

  • PPAPI: A Program for Groundwater Modeling Tasks in Distributed Parallel Computing Environments

    The software presented in the article helps to run highly parameterized groundwater model calibrations and uncertainty analysis. Groundwater Volume 56, Issue 2
    >> Read full publication:  PPAPI: A Program for Groundwater Modeling Tasks in Distributed Parallel Computing Environments 10.1111/gwat.12623

  • Analytical Method to Determine Ground Water Supply Well Network Designs

    A method was developed to quickly determine the number of wells and required well spacing to source a desired volume of groundwater given the aquifer transmissivity and available head.
    >> Read full publication:  Analytical Method to Determine Ground Water Supply Well Network Designs (10.1111/j.1745-6584.2009.00601.x)

  • Highly Parameterized Model Calibration Using the Cloud

    Increasing data volumes of transient hydraulic pressure observations, subsurface characterization and readily available cloud computing resources have enabled researchers to  use highly parameterized model calibration approaches. The application of such an approach using cloud computing resources is described in Highly parameterized model calibration with cloud computing: an example of regional flow model calibration in northeast Alberta, Canada (10.1007/s10040-014-1110-8).

  • Simulated Change in Hydraulic Head at Groundwater Wells

    Method to correct simulated heads at pumping nodes in numerical models. Particularly helpful for finite element models as there is currently no other available approach to correct for this error. Additional terms can be added for linear and nonlinear well losses.
    >> Read full publication:  Correction of Discretization Errors Simulated at Supply Wells (10.1111/gwat.12254).

  • Cloud Computing with ParFlow

    In cloud computing, software and data are shared via servers that can be accessed on-demand through basic terminals in conjunction with a web browser. This affords the efficient utilization of software and hardware infrastructure by multiple users without the need of local software installation and maintenance. This concept was applied and extended to the integrated hydrologic simulation platform ParFlow via a newly developed web interface. The interface advances the concept of cloud computing by providing a comprehensive user interface, not only for the application of ParFlow, but also for its use in supercomputer environments without the direct involvement of the end-user. This also opens new possibilities for true grid computing, i.e. the simultaneous utilization of heterogeneous systems located at different geographic locations. The current version of the interface provides full functionality of ParFlow including the use of cluster resources.
    >> Read full publication: Introduction of a web service for cloud computing with the integrated hydrologic simulation platform ParFlow (10.1016/j.cageo.2012.01.007)

  • Groundwater Optimization

    Water use planning is often associated with running numerical models of groundwater flow numerous times (manually or automated) to determine optimal pumping or injection rates. A reduced modelling approach was developed to speed up the run times of models of groundwater flow and to couple the mathematical model with linear and non-linear optimization software.
    The method and its applications are summarized in the following WaterTech Presentation.

